9:00 am Sundays
Praise Worship
The music at this service is led by our praise team who play a variety of instruments including guitars, drums, piano, keyboard and more. The music is quite varied and includes classic songs with a “rock” twist and contemporary Christian Music.
11:00 am Sundays
Traditional Worship
This service is accompanied by our pipe organ and piano and includes sung liturgies and traditional hymnody that the church as sung for centuries and more recent additions to the life of the church.
Current Message Series
Each January as we complete the celebration of Christmas, we have accounts from early in Jesus’ life in ministry that explore what it means to live a meaningful and joyful life. The world around us tells us over and over that the New Year is a time to focus on resolutions, plans and making yourself the best you. Our scripture readings in these weeks encourage us to find the joy less in who we might become, but rather by whose we are. Living in Joy comes from living as Children of God.
01/05/2025Led By Joy
Matthew 2:1-12 -
01/12/2025Baptized in Love
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 -
01/19/2025Called to Delight
John 2:1-11 -
01/26/2025Blessed for Good
Luke 4:14-21
Holy Communion is offered at both services. At Hope, all Christians are welcomed to the Lord’s Table for Communion; you don’t need to be a member of Hope or even a Lutheran.
If you are interested in experiencing our worship before attending in person, the links below will take you to archived recordings of our worship. We will say that those who have watched online and in person comment that the sound in person cannot be captured online adequately.
We mark holidays at Hope with special worship services. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, All Saints Day, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost all include something unique in worship. Check our home page for times and dates.
For Parents with Young Children
We welcome children to participate in worship services with us. However, if young children (or their parents) need a break, we have a staffed nursery for children 3 years old and younger during our worship services.